Animal Cruelty

animal-cruelty-dog-fence.jpgProsecutors assigned to the Animal Cruelty Section handle cases involving both abuse and neglect-type offenses of livestock and non-livestock animals, including torture, cruelly causing death or serious bodily injury, bestiality, interference with a police service animal and failure to provide necessary food, water, care or shelter.

Animals cannot speak for themselves, so the best source of information about animals that are being abused is from you, the residents of Harris County. The most common way that animal cruelty investigations are initiated is through tips to law enforcement or to an animal welfare organization. Law enforcement, with the assistance of the animal welfare organization, will investigate and present the results of the investigation to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office Animal Cruelty Section for possible charges.

To contact the Animal Cruelty Section, please call 713-274-5703.