Tomball man sentenced to 23 years in prison for attacking bailiff after being convicted of possession of child pornography

A 19-year-old Tomball man was sentenced Thursday to 23 years in prison for attacking a bailiff last year, just moments after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg announced.

“This man viciously attacked an officer solely because she was doing her job, and we have held him accountable,” Ogg said.

Jonathan Carriere had pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on Sept. 21, 2021, and was sentenced to six years in prison. The Harris County Sheriff’s Office bailiff escorted him from the courtroom through a side door and unlocked his handcuffs to put him in the holdover cell where defendants sit either waiting for court or to go back to the jail.

As soon as Carriere’s handcuffs were off, he turned around and started punching the bailiff. She fell to the ground, where they both struggled for the bailiff’s pistol. Another bailiff heard the commotion from outside the closed door and ran in to find Carriere on top of the female bailiff, pummeling her. The second bailiff knocked him to the ground, then secured him in the holdover cell.

Carriere will have to serve at least half of the 23-year sentence because he pleaded guilty to aggravated assault of a peace officer, a first-degree felony. He also pleaded guilty to making shanks, or homemade knives, while in the Harris County Jail. He was sentenced to 20 years for that offense, which he will serve concurrently.

Prosecutor James McKenney, who handled the case along with division chief Johna Stallings, said Carriere was not a sympathetic character.

“He punched her in the face, she hit the concrete floor, and he got on top of her and was beating her mercilessly,” McKenney said. “God bless her for holding on to her handgun. She’s a hero.”